Join as Developer

Before register as developer, please make sure you have gone through our introduction about developer.

Developer is a special account so before registration you should have a Lino Blockchain account. Lino Stake is required so please stake in enough Lino before developer registration. Stake requirement can be found in our genesis file.

NOTE: parameters in genesis file are Lino Coin. 1 Lino = 100000 Coin.

Once you have enough Lino Stake, you can register as developer through our command line tool or SDK.

For linocli, command is

linocli tx developer register <username> --website=<your website> --description=<description> --appmeta=<app meta> --priv-key=<your wallet private key> --chain-id=lino-testnet-upgrade4 --sequence=1 --fees=10000linocoin

In above command, username is the Lino Stake holder. This account would be the main App account which is used to receive reward, grant permission and issue IDA. Click here for more information.

Website and description is used as public information. App Meta is used by Lino Account for login redirect purpose. You can get your wallet private key on Lino Account.

You can also register through our Golang SDK or Javascript SDK. For more information please check Lino SDK